~~mymissD....my e-Diary....my HeaRt RaNt$....mai, mai, mai...ChEck iT oUt.....~~

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's our choice...your own choice...

spell it right ea…L-I-F-E…....
sbot btol2..
.LIFE ok LIFE....(bpe byk kali ulang daaa…)
to elaborate further, (usshh ayat essay bi ngehh33) life is not a siaran lgsung yg salu disbot 'live' kat mane2 chanel astro prima maupon astro ceria di kaca televisyen umah anda, uncle anda ataupon opah u guys..
apetah ag klu nk dikatekan life yg memyself tlis kat cni ialah berbotol-botol sos life yg salu ade kat KFC tu..
SALAH sume tuu..salah....

ade kew sos life...ape laaa....
im referring diz word to its initial meaning…life = kehidupan…
eheh...ade gak tu TERmerapu kan ...sowi2...back to da point ea...

in our life, we shud hav our own stand...our own aim...our own mission + vision & ape2 ag laa word yg sinonim dgnnye...in malay ley la gak we said da stand as a falsafah...eheh...mentang2 laa sem ni ad blajaq sbjek falsafah kan...kiki...

klu ikot ape yg Dr. Sidek (our fantastic + bombastic lect) ckp...'falsafah memerlukan pengorbanan'....sacrifies ek...hmm igt snang kew nk sacrifies...???ssh oooooooooo.....(mindset yg negative, sile jgn ikot)..

bkn nk kate laa, tp nk kate gak...mmg agk payah tok kite berkorban...btol x? it needs a lot of courage & extraordinary effort to succeed in our own sacrifices....we cant easily get down & drown klu kite btol2 nk capai falsafah idop kite...we shud hardly strive for it...tetap kena strive jgak2 wlopon it will deeply tearing inside...kena salu igt yg stiap yg t'jdik 2 kompem ade hikmahnye...again & again refer ayat 2:216 (ayt peberet)...He knows better....^_^
besides, ALLAH SWT mmg da t'lbey dlu gtaw kat kite sume yg..."verily after each difficulty, there's a relief...(94:5)" hmm...sjuk jew ati rse kan...tros rse cm t'pjuk jew bile bce love letter from Him ni.....(so bacalah HIS LOVE LETTER salu2 yew...iklan sket, hehe..) maknenye kat cni, kte kena tros keep on goin wlau apepon yg jdik dlm idop kite ni...agpon sgale ujian dr Allah tu is da sign dat He loves us...so, juz bring it on!!

ape kaitan sbot2 falsafah ni dgn life...laaaa...tok pehey gop ag?? em gni, (ewah pdhal sndrik x ebak mne pon) kaitan deme be2 ni (falsafah+life) ialah falsafah ni akn illustrate to our very ownselves & da others who we really are....its also tell people how do we manage our life....so penting kew falsafah ni?? definitely laa important, kan3...??

b4 diz, in clas, Dr. Sidek asked us to create 3 meaningful words which is then goin to be considered as our own falsafah in diz life...cthnya: 'juz do it'...'aku tetap aku'...'aku bukan hang'....'hang bukan aku'...and etc etc...memyself???
eheh...malu pon ada nk habaq...ngehh33...ngengade plak...mine is juz simple...


hmm...what u get from diz phrase??

to me, diz 3 words sgt2 meaningful...these words tell me dat dlm ape jue bnde kite wat pon kite sntiasa ade plihan...plihan yg mcmane? ade byk pilihan..."macam-macam ada" bak kata cogan kata merangkap tagline astro...even klu kite nk plih bli bju pon there are too many choices dat we hav...cmenye tggal nk plih jew whether nk kaler pink kew pepel kew biru kew hijau kew itam kew indigo kew and many other colours laa yg akn memanjang berjela-jelakan entry ni klu nk di list smpy abez...2 blom sbot psl design or da fashion of da baju ag...nk labuci2 kew..nk renda2 kew...nk jaet sulam kew...(ok da2 ckop2)....fuuhhhh...mmg teramat-amat byknye laa plihan kite dlm dnia ni....kmbali kpd main point asal, da connection towards da phrase here can be said as da choices are definitely goin to be pilihan 2 baek or buruk...."live well or live hell...we choose..." KITA YG PILIH....

(mari2..pilih2...mcm2 kaler ade...hohoho senget!!)

if we look at His love letter, 91:8, Allah SWT da gtaw da yg kite ni diberikan 2 jln...jln ketakwaan or jln kefasikan...its juz left to us to decide which one of diz way is gud enuf for us....PILIHLAH YG TERBAEK...ANDA MAMPU MENGUBAHNYA...(haha cm iklan keselamatan jln rye plak)

where r u heading to..???

choose da right path...then u'll neva go astray.....

bukan snang nk jd baek........hmmmmm......tp...dun lose b4 u fight....
so kene usaha....go qis fight fight fight..!!!!

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