~~mymissD....my e-Diary....my HeaRt RaNt$....mai, mai, mai...ChEck iT oUt.....~~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

~~NEw LoVe~~

Love is in the air....
(hati berbunge2)

~~nampak x ati sye berbunge2..?? hehe~~




(continuing smiling)





(keep on smiling)



(still smiling)

we'll get it...u're hepy...
what happened, huh??
(suara hati pembaca..hehe)







Oh yes buddies...I'm in love..!!!

meet my new love...


my beloved SISI...

err...pliz ignore da low quality image as da picture is not taken by any DSLR..
nevertheless, SISI still look nice and cool, isn't it..??
i named it as SISI since her fullname is SINGER...

maybe some people would say...

"lorhh....mesin jaet pon nak bagi name ke..."


ladies and gentlemen,,

Rasulullah SAW loves to give names to his belongings...
diz attitude shows dat Rasulullah SAW is a very loving and caring person towards his belongings although they're not even alive...
he's such a great man, rite??

let see Rasulullah SAW's belongings's names...

·         his glass is called ar-Rayyan
·         his bowl, al-Gharra’
·        his jug, as-Shadir
·         his mat, al-Kazz
·         his scissors, al-Jami‘
·         his mirror, al-Mudillah
·        his stick, al-Mamsyuq
·        his black horse, as-Sakb
·         his brown horse, al-Murtajiz
·        his camel, al-Qashwa or also called al-Adhba’
·         his sword, Dzul Fiqar

these are juz a few examples...
u can search on by ur own to know more and more about Rasulullah SAW...


so, tak salah kan i named my new love as SISI...
moge jodoh kite berpanjangan yew SISI...

dats all for diz tyme...
i leave u guys wif one important message...

start to name ur things people...coz it is one of sunnah Rasulullah SAW

~~special thanx to Abah & Mak for purchasing SISI for me~~

(i juz cant stop smiling)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


In the name of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful,
Praise be to Allah,
the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds,
and Peace and Prayer be upon the Final Prophet and Messenger.

Assalamualaikum people...

Alhamdulillah, wif His grant, i manage to write here on mymissD...


im enjoying my holiday rite now at home...
(broadly smiling)

err...actually lama da stat cuti sekolah ni...
dari 17/11 ari tu lagi...
tapi laa ni baru dok tringat nak menulihnya...
aceceh ckp kedah laa kunun...hehe

diz holiday, i've got da chance to learn something new...
blajaq MENJAHIT...!!!

jahit jgn x jahit, jahit...ehehe...

suprise aren't u..??
i also didnt expect dat im goin to learn diz so called new thing...
(continuing smiling)

diz idea (blaja jaet) was actually voice out by my friend, Onad who's da one who really want to learn on sewing.
when i went to Kurung Klasik (kedai jahit yg kami blajaq) to accompany Onad to deal wif da makcik on how's da clas will go on, how much da fees, what kind of packages are available and blablabla, 
suddenly i feel like...
"hmmm...cam interesting gak blaja menjaet nih"

back at home,
i asked my mum...
"mak, mak....klu qis nak blaja jaet boley kew..??"
mak plak jawab...
"nak blaja katne tu??"
i said...
"err...jln kebun...ari tu teman Nad pi tanye2 kat kedai tu...cambez laa plak tgok"
mak jawab lagik...
"emm blaja laa...cita-cita mak dulu tuu...dulu kan...(mak bukak crite pasal cane dulu 
my makcik, Annyah blaja jaet)"
pastu mak sambung ag...
"tanye abah dulu..."

(takot pemohonan x diluluskan)

"abah...err...boley x kirenye qis nak blajaq jaet...??"
(sambil wat muke Puss in Boots)

and the rest is history....


learning on sewing is not as easy as i thought b4...
kena ade minat...kena sabar....kena teliti....
seriously not easy okay....

mase dok menjaet tuu rase salute bangett to all tailor in diz world 
sbb rase cam tailorsssss nih sume sgt incredible
coz they're being gifted to diz kind of talent...
give a big applause to all tailors....


i chose to learn on how to sew baju kurung and jubah seluar...
baju kurung is done...!!
pasni blaja jaet jubah seluar plak...
x sabo rasenye...
as da baju kurung is already done, so.....
 i presenting to u....(broken english hehe)

qis's baju kurung......

my 1st baju kurung by my ownself..hehe..=)

baju and kain (folded)

x sangke da ley jaet bju kurung...hihihi...


other than sharing wif u guys about my learning process,
i also wanna share wif u guys one important message...

Baju Kurung is one of malay traditional attires exclusively designed for women.
Precisely, baju kurung is a loose-fitting full length dress, consisting of a skirt and a blouse.
(da macam ayat karangan laa plak skema2 nih..hehe..)

okay people, i know dat u already knew diz..
what i wanna stress here is dat baju kurung is a perfect example of an attire which help us cover our aurah as a muslimah...
of course as da baju kurung is not ketat and jarang..

so, dont  u ever feel ashamed to put on baju kurung whenever or wherever u go...
same goes to other outfits dat are fully cover da aurah of muslimah...

“Wahai anak cucu Adam, sesungguhnya Kami telah menyediakan kepadamu pakaian untuk menutup auratmu dan untuk perhiasan bagimu. Tetapi pakaian takwa itulah yang lebih baik. Demikianlah sebahagian tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka ingat.” (Surah Al- A’raaf, ayat 26)

mudah-mudahan kita selalu ingat....=)

~~Sesungguhnya yang tertutup itu indah~~

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

~~PerSoNaLity QuiZ~~

Assalamualaikum WBT...
heyya people...

its been a VERY LONG tyme i didnt write any post on mymissd...
(sangat lame....SERIUS...!!!)
sory D...
(talking to mymissd)
i was bz doing lot of things (eheh, lame excuse)

btw, what makes i wanna update mymissd today is dat 
i've found somethin dat i think it's interesting...

i found diz interesting 'thing' from a blog named The Rocking Hijab...

seriously i like da way she writes..
her entries are seriously MANTOOOP..!!
u guys can juz click da link above & find out by urself why im saying so..=)

so, back to da topic..

i was on9......
and of course log in to my FB..
hhmmm...check notifications...
likes lagik...
comments lagik...




then, i clicked 'new tab'...

"da lamo bona den x baco therockinghijab...nak baco kojap lah"
(monolog sesowg dlm ati...err...pehey tah tetbe ckp nogowi)

a gud wireless service at home directly connect me to da blog....
(hoho tu pon nk kabo)

hmmm...let see....

miss rocking hijab is talking about taking a personality quiz...

she said....

"This is not the usual Facebook kind of quiz. This is actually a test done by REAL psychologists. They might describe you accurately, and they might not since our personality can change with time due to external/internal factors. But nevertheless, there's no harm in trying to get to know yourself better aye?"

btol3...(upin ipin style) 
no harm..no harm..
ate x rugi pon menerai...(err i mean here is TRY)

then, i click on da link which miss rocking hijab pasted on her page...
i answered all the Qs...
diz is my result....

You are ScrupulousCautious, and Conscientious.


You are an honest, fair person. You don't lie or cheat to get ahead. You treat others with respect and hope for the same in return.
You do not feel that you are above the rules that everyone else follows; you are definitely not willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead.


You very rarely make a move without first considering the pros and cons and, therefore, rarely do anything foolish or extravagant.
You are not rash; you almost never act before you think and, therefore, rarely end up doing things you later regret.


You feel it's important to work according to a plan and finish every task, to do things correctly and thoroughly.
You are not the kind of person who abandons a project before finishing it, or slacks off when you've lost interest.


You like to think a task through before you embark on it. If it's the slightest bit complicated, you make a list (even if it's only in your mind) and methodically work your way through it. When you have a goal in mind, you're not satisfied until you reach it.
You are not one of those people who ignore the details, and you don't understand how anyone can get anything accomplished without thoughtful planning ahead of time.


You like to know that everything is in its place; it's somehow empowering to know that the world around you is neat and organized. For you, schedules and timelines are great ways to stay on track, and mowing down the items on your "to do" list is a source of happiness.
You do not believe that a clean, orderly desk is the sign of a person who doesn't have enough to do; you don't thrive on a sense of personal anarchy.


You're comfortable expressing yourself in words and actions, with no self-censorship. You believe that if someone doesn't like what they see it's not your problem, but theirs. A high score on the "accessible" trait suggests that you have a lot of friends, socialize often, and enjoy rap/hip-hop music.
You don't see the need to keep your thoughts to yourself, or to have a zone of privacy that encompasses only yourself and a small circle of friends and relatives.


You have a genuine interest in other people. You're a natural host, and are always thinking about how you can increase the happiness of those around you. When friends have problems or are in trouble, you're usually the first person they turn to for aid and comfort. Scoring high on the "warm" trait suggests that you are among those who enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.
You don't always say exactly what you're thinking; you don't like the idea of causing anyone pain because of your criticism.


You are willing to take the time to find out what's going on with other people, especially if they're in distress. You're a good listener, you don't criticize, and you offer unbiased, respectful, honest advice when it's requested. With a high score on the "understanding" trait, it is likely that you are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.
You don't feel the need to impose your standards on others or say things that, even though true, cause pain.


You enjoy being around others and others enjoy being around you. You have a "live and let live" attitude; because you know that no one's perfect, you are forgiving and happy to give the benefit of the doubt.
You don't feel the need to be controversial or express contrary opinions all the time. You see no reason to go around rubbing people the wrong way.


You are in touch with your own feelings, which helps put you in touch with the feelings of others.
You don't buy the logic that your happiness comes ahead of everyone else's because unless you're happy you're incapable of making anyone else happy.

hehe...how'd u find da result..??
is it same wif me...?? 
(questioning diz to ones dat know me laa)
i think most of what being said by the result are truely I am...
hehe...suke2 jew try diz quiz...
u guys also can try it...
of course if u want to...


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ujian hati..............

bila hati diuji.....
mulalah lelah menyapa diri...
terasa tewas dan lemas sendiri....
dek rasa yang datang menjengah hati....

ingin diluah bibir terkunci...
bicara ibarat tersimpul mati...
ohh hebatnya ujian hati...
buat diri yang lemah ini...

mujur iman membentengi diri...
mujur masih tak lupa diri...
apapun terjadi ada Ilahi...
penawar segala serba-serbi...

buat hati yang sedang diuji...
teruslah kuat menatang diri...
agar tak lemah terkaku sepi...
lantas berjuang untuk firdausi...

bersabarlah wahai sang hati....
janji Allah itu pasti...

**copied from somewhere

Friday, July 1, 2011

....READ and HEED....

Da lame rsenye memyself x bkak mymissD nih...
xdelaa sgt...
cume x bape nak ade idea nk menulih ape kat missD ni..

then, how come out of sudden rajin nak meng'update' plak nih..??
diz is due to da fact dat...hahaha...
ayat essay english bile nk wat factual or expository essay..
ngahaha....kesengetan jap..
ok2...back to da point..
tetibe rse inspired nak update nih coz da ade things wanna be shared here...

guess what..??

apekah ia..??

anda mau taw..??

btol ni nak taw..??

x mnyesal klu da taw..??

(haha senget mode again & again)

well, actually memyself baru jew katam Contengan Jalanan by my fav writer, Hlovate ptg td...
of course im goin to say dat da novel is.....


x tipu maa...
u guys shud read it...SERIOUSLY...!!
i'll guaranteed dat u guys will never regret ur cash for purchasing diz wonderful novel...
waahhh...ayat mcm da pnah keje jadik promoter jew..hehe..
emmm...i know dat many people already read diz novel.. 
still, i wanna share my point of view upon diz novel here...

haaahh...diz is DA NOVEL....

diz novel has two sides of different story which indirectly link to each other..
tgok laa cover page dye kat atas nih...
II - K2

tem kite bce novel ni kan, we'll figure out dat one side of da cover page will seen as terbalik...
tem memyself bce diz novel, smpy bpe owg tego..
"ehh!! bce buku tebalek??"
hahaha...ape daa...

baru cite psl cover page dye pon da cam interesting kan??
(klu kome rse x interesting pon pretend it is laa yew...teman tgh smangat beno mempomot nih)
unik kan..??
Hlovate mmg sgt unik and kreatif..
diz is what i like bout Hlovate's stuffs...

sambung blk siaran yg tergendala jap td..ehehe..

"contengan pengalaman perjalanan cari Tuhan"

tajok and quotation dye pon da cukop catchy kan..??
da story is simple...
but it is really 'SOMETHING'...

it's about..
how people change...
how people realize what's actually 'matters' in diz life...

....READ and HEED....
u guys will get 'A LOT' from diz novel...

"The man who decided to change on 12th hour dies on 11th.."

berubahlah....sebelum kita ditimbus tanah....

p/s: diz entry is purposely written to promote diz novel..ehehe...i dont want to tell u guys further about da novel since i think u guys hav to read it by urself coz its definitely goin to 'touch' urself....

Monday, June 6, 2011









people are willing to do anything to be pretty...


u dont believe me??
why u dont believe me, huh??

check out on diz......

(1) plastic surgery 

im wondering why people named diz kinda surgery as 'plastic surgery'
why not metal surgery ke
non-metal ke...alloy ke...glass ke..
maybe sebab 'sifat' plastik tu sendrik yg terlalu 'plastik'
***plastik pada maksod cakap2 perbualan harian manusia sejagat merujuk kepada kepura-puraan, x jujur, hanya lakonan semata-mata dan laen2 maksod yg boley diterima pakai yg mana sama level dengannye

ape x plastiknye
wif diz so called plastic surgery, people will:
tamboh tu
tamboh ni
buang tu
buang ni
pelebaq hat tu
pebesaq hat ni
and etc etc

aren't these are sooooooo plastic?

(2) injectionssssss & vitaminssss

cucok tang sana
cucok tang cni
inject sana
inject cni
botox, vitamin C, D, K, P, Q, W, X, Y smpy laa Z
(hyperbola nak tunjuk betape banyaknye vitamin2 yg dicucok2)

kalau kecik2 dulu, i was so takot bile dengar nak kena cucok2 ni
x yah cakap tem kecik laa, even da besa ni pon kekadang seram gak rase bile nak kena cucok2 nih
what's weird is.....
how diz kinda people (OOC a.k.a. orang obses cantek) are WILLINGLY to cucok2 themselves dengan segala macam benda yg ade

sooooooo pathetic

(3) liposuction

ni bukan adek badek bluehyppo
bukan jugak sepupu kepada Puteri Hang Li Po
ape lagik klu nak dikaetkan dengan tempat2 cuti Malaysia kat Ipoh
liposuction ni name kampongnye 'sedut lemak'
dengor2 nye org kate sakit oooo
geng OOC tetap tegar memilih jalan ini

bluehyppo gemok gak, tp comey je, kan2?

(4) pillsssssss

mcm2 pil ada
pil kurus
pil pelangsing
pil kuruih kedekiang (keluaran utara)
pil kulit licin tanpe jerawat
pil elak blackheads
pil say no to jeragat
pil penghapus lemak
pil dilarang gemok
pil kulit putih melepak-lepak
pil baaaek punye
and etc etc
(ye ke x tah ade pil2 gini...again, hyperbola)

nak katenye kat cni, betape baaaaaaaaanyaknye pil2 yg wujud di alam realiti kita tuan2 dan puan2 sekalian
xde side effects kah???
balik modalkah???

OOC, kome pernah fikirkah??

(5) hair treatement

pantene, rejoice, sunsilk, follow me, follow u
semua ni x cukop tok jage rambut
hair conditioner, hair vitamin
pon masih x cukop lagik
kena kasi rebonding sket
boh kale ijau, kale purple sket
nak tido malam2, gulung2 rambut dulu
bangun pagi 1st thing to do is panaskan iron tok iron rambut dulu

hebatnye OOC jage rambut, ye orp??

(6) i'm on diet

bukan diet yg biasa
diet yg dasat
i mean it...


makan selai daun sawi jew for lunch
x menghiraukan makanan jualan makcik kantin maupon makcik cafe
x makan malam langsung sepanjang tahun
penggubalan akta tak makan nasik walau sebutir pon

say bye2 to cholestrol
say hello to healthy life
healthy sangat lah
tangan di dada mata ke atas 
(tulisan biru fb)


(7) exercises

pegi gym exercise segale bagai alat senaman
angkat berat
angkat ringan
seat up
seat down
ketuk ketampi
chicken dance
joging around for 80km a day
ok, nmpok beno nipunyee..
nak katenye kat cni, how diz OOC really work hard to be pretty

OOC sungguh gigih...

ladies and gentlemen

diz is da reality...
memang nih laa antare 'list to-do' yg da di 'recognize' kan as a worldwide scheme
sebagai bende2 yg perlu di buat utk jd CANTEK...

do u agree wif diz scheme???

tu x crita ag bab yg mekap muke bedak tebal 4 inci....
dasat bebenor passion OOC yg nak jadik cantek ni kan...


x salah nak jadi cantek
serious x salah

sbb Allah pon memang suke pada kecantikan

"Sesungguhnya Allah itu cantik dan Allah sukakan kecantikan." 
(Riwayat Muslim & Tarmizi)

tapi, ade restriction jugak on being cantek ni 

"Wahai anak-anak Adam, pakailah pakaianmu yang indah berhias pada tiap-tiap kali kamu ke masjid (atau mengerjakan sembahyang), makanlah dan minumlah, dan jangan pula kamu berlebih-lebihan. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai akan orang-orang yang berlebih-lebihan (melampaui batas)." 
(7: 31)

Allah kate jangan berlebih-lebihan
Allah x suka orang2 yg melampaui batas

kalau da sampai membazir duet beli segala macam produk,
x berlebih-lebihan ke namanye tu?

klu sampai menyeksa diri terok2 sangat,
x melampau ke namanye tu?

kalo sampai menyakitkan diri sendrik dengan segale macam so called 'rawatan',
x over ke tu?

kalau da sampai ubah ciptaan Allah, heyy, tu memang da lebih sangat tu!

Rasulullah bersabda, "Allah melaknati perempuan yang bertatu atau minta dibuat tatu, yang mencukur kening dan meminta dicukur kening mereka, perempuan yang membentuk giginya agar kelihatan cantik dan mereka yang mengubah ciptaan Allah." (Hadis Thabarani dan Ibnu Mas'ud) 

tahukah anda
cantek dalaman tu lebih utama
ape guna klu cantek fizikalnya tapi dalamannye teruk x terkata
kalau orang yg cantek dalaman ni, dgn sendriknye aura cantek tu akan mencantekkan luarannya
sebab ape??
sebab akhlak yg baek itu mencerminkan kecantikan peribadinya
justeru, x dapat disangkal lagi bahwa orang2 cenggini memang kompom cantek
klu yg takat cantek kot luaq, tapi akhlak x taw camna nk habaq
people wont say diz kinda person as cantek
automatically people will describing 'em diz way:
"muka je lawa..badan je maintain...tapi............"


nak kulit cantek??
sempurnakan wudukmu
“Sungguh ummatku akan diseru pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan bercahaya karena bekas wudhu’nya, maka barangsiapa yang mampu melebihkan panjang sinar pada tubuhnya, maka lakukanlah.” ( Shahih Al Bukhari ) 

nak muka cantek??
senyumlah seikhlas hatimu
"Tersenyum ketika bertemu saudaramu adalah ibadah." (HR Trimidzi, Ibnu Hibban, dan Baihaqi).

nak mata cantek??
jagalah pandanganmu
"Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan mukmin hendaklah mereka menundukkan pandangannya.."
(24: 31)

nak rambut cantek??
peliharalah ia daripada terlihat oleh yg bukan mahrammu
(jage aurat totally)
"Wahai Nabi, suruhlah isteri-isterimu dan anak-anak perempuanmu serta perempuan-perempuan yang beriman, supaya melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuhnya (semasa mereka keluar); cara yang demikian lebih sesuai untuk mereka dikenal (sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik) maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan (ingatlah) Allah adalah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani." 

nak badan cantek??
puasa sunat jadikan amalanmu
Rasulullah SAW ajar kite makan bile lapar and stop b4 kenyang, bukan ikot nafsu
"Daripada Aisyah r.a katanya : Adalah Rasulullah s.a.w bersungguh-sungguh dalam berpuasa pada hari isnin dan khamis."

there are soooooooo many other tips to be shared on, but u can search it by ur own...
(maleh da nak type, hehe)

ISLAM itu cantek
kita pon harus lah cantek
marilah sama-sama jadi cantek

cantek pada pandanganNYA

Rasulullah SAW bersabda maksudnya: 
“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memandang kepada rupa paras dan harta benda kamu, 
tetapi Allah hanya memandang kepada niat hati dan amalan-amalan kamu.” 
 tidak ada beza seseorang di sisi Allah kecuali iman dan taqwa...


Thursday, May 26, 2011

SaNAh HeLwaH My LuV.....

wif His pure love and blessing...
I'm here again to spill on my D...
lend me ur tyme to read on diz stowi......
check it out...!!!!


a teacher walk rushingly into her class realizing dat she's quite late on dat morning...
meeting maa....not purposely wanna be late....

"gud monin teacher...!!!"
da students scream out loudly as soon as da teacher entered da class...
well, Standard 1...u know.....hehe....
then, they recite a doa......and of course, loudly..!!

"ok sit down everyone..now i want all of u to............"
da lesson starts......

for many years, diz is what da teacher used to do in her life.....
walk into classes......
marking papers....
walk into classes again......
teaching again and again.....
screaming over and over.....
babbling blablabla.....
motivating more and more.....
marking papers, books, papers, books, papers and papers and......... 
(too much repetitions here is to show da works is A LOT...!!)
A LOT......!!!!!!!!!!

da teacher is not only bz managing her life as a teacher....
she's also a wife to a husband....
a mom to 4 lovely kids....
a talented housewife.....
a wonderful cooking master.....
and etc etc......

within all of diz workssssssssssssssssss......
she never complained............

14th September 2009...
a date which completely changed many things in her life...
a date which was a blast to herself....
a date which grab many things she had....
da date dat....
........she had stroke........

no more classes....
no more stdudents....
no school....
no papers or books....

bubbye to kitchen and cooking...
tata to cleaning....
sayonara to all houseworking.....
all left is juz being lying....
cause on dat tyme she cant do anythin.....

time passes by....
she's not fully recover yet but she's now gettin much better....
she can walk by her ownself...
she can feed herself...
managing her ownself....
cloth folding...


to her dearest hubby, 
she always thanking....
for all sacrifices which she know are all tiring...
and for her kids, 
she keep on smiling....
to make up their days and bright their feels...

da 'she' i mean is my own mummy...
da one and only.....


26 May a.k.a today....

Noor Azuha bt Abd Rahman

thank u mak for being strong for us.....
moge mak tros kuat and kuat......
moge panjang umo and mura rezki.....
mak cpat2 sehat yek....
i really miss ur cooking....!!!
(boring da mkan sendrik masak, heheh)

~~luv u~~