~~mymissD....my e-Diary....my HeaRt RaNt$....mai, mai, mai...ChEck iT oUt.....~~

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

~~PerSoNaLity QuiZ~~

Assalamualaikum WBT...
heyya people...

its been a VERY LONG tyme i didnt write any post on mymissd...
(sangat lame....SERIUS...!!!)
sory D...
(talking to mymissd)
i was bz doing lot of things (eheh, lame excuse)

btw, what makes i wanna update mymissd today is dat 
i've found somethin dat i think it's interesting...

i found diz interesting 'thing' from a blog named The Rocking Hijab...

seriously i like da way she writes..
her entries are seriously MANTOOOP..!!
u guys can juz click da link above & find out by urself why im saying so..=)

so, back to da topic..

i was on9......
and of course log in to my FB..
hhmmm...check notifications...
likes lagik...
comments lagik...




then, i clicked 'new tab'...

"da lamo bona den x baco therockinghijab...nak baco kojap lah"
(monolog sesowg dlm ati...err...pehey tah tetbe ckp nogowi)

a gud wireless service at home directly connect me to da blog....
(hoho tu pon nk kabo)

hmmm...let see....

miss rocking hijab is talking about taking a personality quiz...

she said....

"This is not the usual Facebook kind of quiz. This is actually a test done by REAL psychologists. They might describe you accurately, and they might not since our personality can change with time due to external/internal factors. But nevertheless, there's no harm in trying to get to know yourself better aye?"

btol3...(upin ipin style) 
no harm..no harm..
ate x rugi pon menerai...(err i mean here is TRY)

then, i click on da link which miss rocking hijab pasted on her page...
i answered all the Qs...
diz is my result....

You are ScrupulousCautious, and Conscientious.


You are an honest, fair person. You don't lie or cheat to get ahead. You treat others with respect and hope for the same in return.
You do not feel that you are above the rules that everyone else follows; you are definitely not willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead.


You very rarely make a move without first considering the pros and cons and, therefore, rarely do anything foolish or extravagant.
You are not rash; you almost never act before you think and, therefore, rarely end up doing things you later regret.


You feel it's important to work according to a plan and finish every task, to do things correctly and thoroughly.
You are not the kind of person who abandons a project before finishing it, or slacks off when you've lost interest.


You like to think a task through before you embark on it. If it's the slightest bit complicated, you make a list (even if it's only in your mind) and methodically work your way through it. When you have a goal in mind, you're not satisfied until you reach it.
You are not one of those people who ignore the details, and you don't understand how anyone can get anything accomplished without thoughtful planning ahead of time.


You like to know that everything is in its place; it's somehow empowering to know that the world around you is neat and organized. For you, schedules and timelines are great ways to stay on track, and mowing down the items on your "to do" list is a source of happiness.
You do not believe that a clean, orderly desk is the sign of a person who doesn't have enough to do; you don't thrive on a sense of personal anarchy.


You're comfortable expressing yourself in words and actions, with no self-censorship. You believe that if someone doesn't like what they see it's not your problem, but theirs. A high score on the "accessible" trait suggests that you have a lot of friends, socialize often, and enjoy rap/hip-hop music.
You don't see the need to keep your thoughts to yourself, or to have a zone of privacy that encompasses only yourself and a small circle of friends and relatives.


You have a genuine interest in other people. You're a natural host, and are always thinking about how you can increase the happiness of those around you. When friends have problems or are in trouble, you're usually the first person they turn to for aid and comfort. Scoring high on the "warm" trait suggests that you are among those who enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.
You don't always say exactly what you're thinking; you don't like the idea of causing anyone pain because of your criticism.


You are willing to take the time to find out what's going on with other people, especially if they're in distress. You're a good listener, you don't criticize, and you offer unbiased, respectful, honest advice when it's requested. With a high score on the "understanding" trait, it is likely that you are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.
You don't feel the need to impose your standards on others or say things that, even though true, cause pain.


You enjoy being around others and others enjoy being around you. You have a "live and let live" attitude; because you know that no one's perfect, you are forgiving and happy to give the benefit of the doubt.
You don't feel the need to be controversial or express contrary opinions all the time. You see no reason to go around rubbing people the wrong way.


You are in touch with your own feelings, which helps put you in touch with the feelings of others.
You don't buy the logic that your happiness comes ahead of everyone else's because unless you're happy you're incapable of making anyone else happy.

hehe...how'd u find da result..??
is it same wif me...?? 
(questioning diz to ones dat know me laa)
i think most of what being said by the result are truely I am...
hehe...suke2 jew try diz quiz...
u guys also can try it...
of course if u want to...
