~~mymissD....my e-Diary....my HeaRt RaNt$....mai, mai, mai...ChEck iT oUt.....~~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

~~NEw LoVe~~

Love is in the air....
(hati berbunge2)

~~nampak x ati sye berbunge2..?? hehe~~




(continuing smiling)





(keep on smiling)



(still smiling)

we'll get it...u're hepy...
what happened, huh??
(suara hati pembaca..hehe)







Oh yes buddies...I'm in love..!!!

meet my new love...


my beloved SISI...

err...pliz ignore da low quality image as da picture is not taken by any DSLR..
nevertheless, SISI still look nice and cool, isn't it..??
i named it as SISI since her fullname is SINGER...

maybe some people would say...

"lorhh....mesin jaet pon nak bagi name ke..."


ladies and gentlemen,,

Rasulullah SAW loves to give names to his belongings...
diz attitude shows dat Rasulullah SAW is a very loving and caring person towards his belongings although they're not even alive...
he's such a great man, rite??

let see Rasulullah SAW's belongings's names...

·         his glass is called ar-Rayyan
·         his bowl, al-Gharra’
·        his jug, as-Shadir
·         his mat, al-Kazz
·         his scissors, al-Jami‘
·         his mirror, al-Mudillah
·        his stick, al-Mamsyuq
·        his black horse, as-Sakb
·         his brown horse, al-Murtajiz
·        his camel, al-Qashwa or also called al-Adhba’
·         his sword, Dzul Fiqar

these are juz a few examples...
u can search on by ur own to know more and more about Rasulullah SAW...


so, tak salah kan i named my new love as SISI...
moge jodoh kite berpanjangan yew SISI...

dats all for diz tyme...
i leave u guys wif one important message...

start to name ur things people...coz it is one of sunnah Rasulullah SAW

~~special thanx to Abah & Mak for purchasing SISI for me~~

(i juz cant stop smiling)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


In the name of Allah,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful,
Praise be to Allah,
the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds,
and Peace and Prayer be upon the Final Prophet and Messenger.

Assalamualaikum people...

Alhamdulillah, wif His grant, i manage to write here on mymissD...


im enjoying my holiday rite now at home...
(broadly smiling)

err...actually lama da stat cuti sekolah ni...
dari 17/11 ari tu lagi...
tapi laa ni baru dok tringat nak menulihnya...
aceceh ckp kedah laa kunun...hehe

diz holiday, i've got da chance to learn something new...
blajaq MENJAHIT...!!!

jahit jgn x jahit, jahit...ehehe...

suprise aren't u..??
i also didnt expect dat im goin to learn diz so called new thing...
(continuing smiling)

diz idea (blaja jaet) was actually voice out by my friend, Onad who's da one who really want to learn on sewing.
when i went to Kurung Klasik (kedai jahit yg kami blajaq) to accompany Onad to deal wif da makcik on how's da clas will go on, how much da fees, what kind of packages are available and blablabla, 
suddenly i feel like...
"hmmm...cam interesting gak blaja menjaet nih"

back at home,
i asked my mum...
"mak, mak....klu qis nak blaja jaet boley kew..??"
mak plak jawab...
"nak blaja katne tu??"
i said...
"err...jln kebun...ari tu teman Nad pi tanye2 kat kedai tu...cambez laa plak tgok"
mak jawab lagik...
"emm blaja laa...cita-cita mak dulu tuu...dulu kan...(mak bukak crite pasal cane dulu 
my makcik, Annyah blaja jaet)"
pastu mak sambung ag...
"tanye abah dulu..."

(takot pemohonan x diluluskan)

"abah...err...boley x kirenye qis nak blajaq jaet...??"
(sambil wat muke Puss in Boots)

and the rest is history....


learning on sewing is not as easy as i thought b4...
kena ade minat...kena sabar....kena teliti....
seriously not easy okay....

mase dok menjaet tuu rase salute bangett to all tailor in diz world 
sbb rase cam tailorsssss nih sume sgt incredible
coz they're being gifted to diz kind of talent...
give a big applause to all tailors....


i chose to learn on how to sew baju kurung and jubah seluar...
baju kurung is done...!!
pasni blaja jaet jubah seluar plak...
x sabo rasenye...
as da baju kurung is already done, so.....
 i presenting to u....(broken english hehe)

qis's baju kurung......

my 1st baju kurung by my ownself..hehe..=)

baju and kain (folded)

x sangke da ley jaet bju kurung...hihihi...


other than sharing wif u guys about my learning process,
i also wanna share wif u guys one important message...

Baju Kurung is one of malay traditional attires exclusively designed for women.
Precisely, baju kurung is a loose-fitting full length dress, consisting of a skirt and a blouse.
(da macam ayat karangan laa plak skema2 nih..hehe..)

okay people, i know dat u already knew diz..
what i wanna stress here is dat baju kurung is a perfect example of an attire which help us cover our aurah as a muslimah...
of course as da baju kurung is not ketat and jarang..

so, dont  u ever feel ashamed to put on baju kurung whenever or wherever u go...
same goes to other outfits dat are fully cover da aurah of muslimah...

“Wahai anak cucu Adam, sesungguhnya Kami telah menyediakan kepadamu pakaian untuk menutup auratmu dan untuk perhiasan bagimu. Tetapi pakaian takwa itulah yang lebih baik. Demikianlah sebahagian tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, mudah-mudahan mereka ingat.” (Surah Al- A’raaf, ayat 26)

mudah-mudahan kita selalu ingat....=)

~~Sesungguhnya yang tertutup itu indah~~